cPanel And WebMail BruteForce
Panel cracker is for cracking cpanel and webmail. its like bruteforce to cPanel and webmail port of website.
1. Zhone-H site leecher with all option (Archive,Archive Special, On Hold and by Notifier name).
2. Mirror-H site leecher leecher.
3. Filter And Mixer is for Generating Username & Password for site Cpanel and Webmail.
*** you can generate by on your own or you can load any username and password list.
*** for generating password/username you can add string or multiple string front or end of username/passowd.
it will take domain name as main string and will add your custion writen string front or end of that string.
**** you can add extra string. it will not take domain as string. it just add you writen string as username/password.
4. And Finally Brute option is for brute force you targate panel. you can select only cpanel or webmail or wbmail with @
*** webmail with @ is option will auto add @domain end of username.
**** and only webmail will not add anything.
**** you can use any kind of proxy for bruting cpanel/webmail. its helpfull for bypassing cHulk.
**** you can use HTTP,SOCK4,SOCK5 and also username,passowrd proxys.